Monday, April 15, 2013

What a Sad Day

I was all set to write a pithy entry about some silliness or another, and then I heard about the horrifying events at the Boston Marathon.  Information is still unfolding, the whole thing isn’t even half a day old, and perhaps this is too soon to comment.  I didn’t know anyone running or watching the marathon, and the number of people I know who live in Boston I can count on one hand.  But as any amateur runner knows, qualifying for the Boston Marathon is such a benchmark of personal achievement that for most, the mere opportunity to run it is a victory.  How sad that anyone or anything would want to malign such accomplishment and crush such joy.  How sad that hatred should be made manifest on the lives of people who deserve nothing but celebration.  How sad the carnage in Boston and all over the world.  How sad the reasons, whatever they may be.  How sad.

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