For reasons so uninteresting I can’t even write about them
without losing my train of thought, I have been running a lot on the treadmill.
I used to loathe the treadmill with a hatred so intense it
was only eclipsed by the hissing vitriol my cats have for each other over a freshly-poured
bowl of kitty crunchies. My biggest
problem with the treadmill is that I can’t overcome feeling like a witless hamster
spinning his wheel. I suspect that when
anthropologists a hundred years from now look back on our society, they’ll marvel
at the fact that gay marriage was controversial, that women willingly implanted
baggies full of silicone in their chests, and that people paid a lot of money for
the pleasure of running in place. And beyond
the fact that it is literally exercising in futility, running on a treadmill is
Unlike the malevolent feline situation, I have managed to
make peace with the treadmill. The
biggest adjustment that I’ve made is that instead of throwing my towel over the
timer and pretending it doesn’t exist, I use the clock to my advantage. I set my pace knowing how far I want to go, and while I run I calculate the distance I’ve covered and how much I have left
based on the minutes and seconds that melt away. I also find this keeps me running at a pretty
decent clip. When running outdoors, my
speed has to be self-generated. On the
treadmill, once I choose a pace the machine generates the motivation for
me. The belt waits for no one. Knowing the options are either keep up or
fall flat on my face, I almost always choose the former.
Make no mistake, my druthers will always be a good, old
fashioned outdoor run. But for me, running
on a treadmill has become a necessary evil.
It’s convenient; I can exercise at lunch and return to work freshly showered;
the rain doesn’t affect my workout; and even if it’s nice outside, my skin is
saved from time that would otherwise be spent soaking up UV rays. In other words, on the treadmill I can expose
my tan lines all I want without making any new ones. Although I don’t really expose too much, mostly
out of courtesy to the other gym members. No
one wants to see my cellulite in motion.
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