So one of the many things that is giving me agita about the marathon
is this newfangled “seeded corrals” situation that the organizers are
implementing for (I think) the first time this year. I had never heard of a seeded corral before
and the concept was so ludicrous to me that I had to read the info multiple
times to make sure that I really understood.
At most races, participants generally queue at the start
line based on their expected finishing time.
At our race, they are reserving the front for people
who have run a marathon in the past year, based on the time they finished
ranked A through E. If you haven’t run a marathon recently (like me), then you’re relegated to the “Open Corral” behind all the seeded corrals.
I wouldn’t have an issue with this if it weren’t for the unlimited
finishing times and high corral capacities. This means that faster runners who didn’t do a
marathon in 2013 are stuck behind a lot of much slower runners who did. To give you an indication, Corral E will hold
2,000 people who took over 5 hours to complete their last marathon. As it stands, A and I hope to finish in front
of the C, D, and E groups, which essentially means we need to negotiate past at
least 5,500 slower runners the moment we start the race. This is assuming we score a good position in
the Open Corral.
I fear that the start line will be so crowded that we won’t
be able to run our pace until the second mile or so. The fact that we now need to squeeze past so
many people further hurts our chances to make our goal time and that, in a
word, sucks.
Hopefully my utter abhorrence of this system will work to my
advantage and I’ll be pleasantly surprised at how great it worked. Since I could not hate it any more than I do,
anything is possible.