My first blog post ever! Took me long enough....
That being said, I know the last thing the internet needs is another running
blog. A middle-aged woman who runs – how
novel! Every time I participate in a
race, I look around in horror at my fellow competitors, often numbering in
the tens of thousands. The lowing masses
of sunburnt humans with varying degrees of fitness and skin elasticity, wearing
piped running shorts, innumerable shades of neon, ironic sweatbands, or – god
forbid – tutus, I realize as I wait at the starting line: I am them. They are me.
The only difference is they probably spent more on their workout wear
than I did. And then I realize I need to
quit judging because I am not better than these troglodytes. (Well, as the race results usually prove, I am better than at least some of them….)
So, why am I throwing my hat into the blogosphere? I guess mostly to keep me honest, both with
the running, and with the writing. Both
are huge chores in the offing, painful in the doing, and reap a measure of satisfaction once I just commit and get ‘er done.
I hope if you’re a runner, you can relate to a little of
what I write about. I hope if you’re a
reader, you’ll find my blog vaguely entertaining…heck, dare I say even a
little bit funny? And lastly, I hope if
you’re a writer, you'll introduce me to your publisher (but don’t bother if you’re self-published)!